Thursday, January 28, 2016

Tapestry Focus

If you have ever watched a wedding Sari, a giant tapestry being weaved in India, it is a pains taking task often times done by a father and son working together. The father and son work as one. The father sits above the weaving table directing the actions below. The son will be guided by the father moving the shuttle to the right and the left, the father choosing, gathering and pulling the threads together as the son does as instructed. From where the son sits below, there is not much to see. It is a jumble of threads and no particular pattern and it looks like chaos. The father above watches everything take shape until the task is completed and the final tapestry is revealed. The father is always aware of the big picture. Jesus and his father worked together weaving threads together, from the creation, the fall, the covenants, the law, a manger to a ministry, the son always saying not my will but yours be done. Leading from a betrayal, to a trial the crucifixion to resurrection, father and son working together pulling the threads together in harmony, those around Christ looking at what was going on below not making sense of it not seeing the final completed picture till it was finished. Father and son working together to make a beautiful tapestry of forgiveness and grace. From the beginning of time God knew if he gave us the choice, we would sin. And from the beginning he and the son started weaving a tapestry which lead to the cross. If you are ready to join us in our time of communion, we ask that you join us at this time. Christ crossed the fabric of time as he said as often you eat this bread and drink this cup; you proclaim my death till I come for you again. Past present a future woven together in a wedding tapestry of love and redemption.

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