Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jewish Wedding Communion Focus Theme ©

Because Jesus speaks to all people in all countries in all languages, we forget he was a Jew speaking to a predominantly Jewish audience. As he would speak of himself in relationship to the church, he would refer to himself as the Bridegroom and the Church was his Bride.
This took on an extra meaning to me when I came across how a traditional Jewish wedding was performed. After proposing to his bride, the bridegroom would leave for an undisclosed time, as much as a year, during which his bride would remain faithfully waiting.
During this time, the Bridegroom would go to build a room onto his father’s house so there would be a place for he and his bride to live. He was not allowed to come back for his bride until his father was satisfied that all was ready. Then he would return unannounced and he and his bride would be wed. After the wedding, the entire family and their friends would gather together for seven days of celebration.
Think about it. The bridegroom leaves to add onto his fathers house. As the 14th chapter of John states. “I go to prepare a place for you.” “My father’s house has many rooms, were it not so, I would have told you.”
The son can not return until his father gives him permission. Mat 24:36 "No one knows when that day or hour will come-not the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. When Christ comes again, we will be taken to enjoy a celebration. Rev 19:7 Let us rejoice, be glad, and give him glory, because the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. Then in verse 9, How blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb!'" We, the church, look forward to that coming wedding celebration when Jesus will return again.
We have come to that time when we take communion. We do this to remember Christ’s promise to return to us. As Paul writes to the Church of Corinth, For as often as you eat this bread and drink from this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.
I get excite when I think of Christ returning as a Bridegroom to us his bride because I know how much I love and cherish my wife. To think of our savior having that same love for us is more than I can imagine.

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