Monday, February 15, 2010

Seeking Father Communion Focus Theme ©

"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."--  Mark Twain.
As we get older, we can sometimes grow to appreciate our parents in ways we did not when we were growing up. My dad is a full time farmer. He would leave early in the morning and work until the sun went down. This would frustrate my brother because he always wanted dad to throw the ball with him, but he was never around.
I had a different perspective. I usually knew which field dad was in and what he was doing, so if I wanted to be with him, all I had to do was walk or ride my bike to where he was and he would always be more than willing to let me follow him around all day as long as I could keep up. All I had to do was seek him.
Well, just as Mark Twain said, time took care of my brother’s frustration. It took realizing that dad was providing for our needs instead of giving in to our wants. Also, he never expected anything out of us that he was not willing to do himself.
Our Heavenly father never asked of us what he would not do himself. He became flesh a dwelt among us, lived a good example and for our sakes died for us, giving up his life as any parent would for his children. But, Christ sacrificed himself as a substitute for our sin. He died and then He rose again and if we want to be with him forever, we need to seek and follow him.

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